August 2021 - 45,000 Subscribers

3D Models

3d printer quality


August 2021 - 45,000 Subscribers

3D Models

3d printer quality


In December 2018, I did not anticipate reaching 45,000 subscribers with over three million views when I started the channel. Even more rewarding are the thousands of comments and thumbs-ups my videos have received.

I have found a niche I enjoy where I present technology topics at a pace and sophistication level approach for people new to technology while maintaining a level of detail appropriate for more experienced "makers". I believe that given sufficient time, anyone can create unique items that only a few years ago they would purchase. In many cases, the "maker" is not saving money. Instead, they are completing projects for the unique enjoyment of creating.

Over the last year, the channel included a range of design videos where the viewer learns how to create 3d models that are suitable for fabricating on a 3d Printer. Over the next year, I expect to expand my coverable of electronics using some fantastic $10 to $35 components that include full computers the size of a pack of playing cards, and basic computer programming in Python. So the upcoming videos are suitable for "makers" of every age.

Thanks to all of my subscribers and the over 100,000 viewers watching my videos monthly.

Let's continue to learn new things together.



Irv Shapiro